20 ways to look and feel beautiful

  1.  Eat healthily - this means eating whole grains and fresh fruit and vegetables. It also means staying away from processed foods and refined sugar. Drink a freshly made green smoothie every day. You can use nettles, spinach, kale, rocket, parsley, coriander, lambs lettuce, romaine lettuce, lollo rossa, wheatgrass, dandelion greens, mint, and fruits such as melon, banana, kiwi, pear, apple, orange, mango, grapes and strawberries. Use a balance of 60% fruit to 40% leafy greens. Use water and not milk or yogurt. Always drink immediately.
  2. Get lots of fresh air - this seems obvious but these days we forget to get fresh air. Going out in the car doesn't count.
  3. Drink fresh water whenever you are thirsty - some people believe that they should be drinking 2 liters of water per day. However, there is also a belief held by macrobiotics that drinking water when we are not thirsty puts a strain on the kidneys by overworking them. They also believe that it 'dilutes' the person.  Drinking when thirsty and listening to your body is the best advice. However, this works only when coupled with a healthy clean diet, that includes sea salt and excludes chemical table salt and processed foods.
  4. Drink white tea, roseroot tea, and cistus tea daily - this will really boost those antioxidant levels as well as helping you to stay relaxed.
  5. Drink a glass of freshwater plus 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar each day - apple cider vinegar will flush out your system and help your skin to stay healthy and glowing.
  6. Eat plenty of good oily foods like fish, olives, avocados, nuts, seeds, etc - these will help your skin to stay plump and moisturized from the inside. Forget slathering on moisturizer, you need to oil from within.
  7. Take a kelp supplement or eat seaweed every day - eating kelp is an ancient beauty secret. It helps your body to stay clear of built-up toxins and will brighten your complexion. It is rich in minerals and vitamins that will help your skin to look and feel great.
  8. Take MSM and a natural Vitamin C such as Ester C - MSM and Vitamin C are needed for rejuvenation. Remember that.
  9. Drink alcohol only in moderation - Alcohol is ok in small doses but is toxic in large amounts. If you binge drink, your skin will soon pay the price. Preferably don't drink alcohol at all.
  10. Relax more - really should be number one beauty secret. Relaxing is one of the keys to wrinkle-free skin.
  11. Meditate more - meditate on beautiful things. As within so without.
  12. Use clay masks - the best treatment you can do for your skin is to use a natural clay mask. Choose one that is right for your skin type.
  13. Use virgin coconut oil - forget everything else and use virgin coconut oil on the skin. It will be readily absorbed and will feed, nourish and moisturize. It is also good for firming, toning and reducing wrinkles.
  14. Don't expose the face to the sun for more than ten minutes a day - ten minutes is good, sans sunscreen. This will allow enough time to absorb the healthy rays that will give you vitamin D and it is not long enough to do any damage. After ten minutes - cover-up and not with sunscreen, just wear a hat! Sunscreen prevents us from absorbing the sun's valuable rays and it is not recommended.
  15. Massage the face daily - using the fingertips massage the skin on the forehead, cheekbones, chin and jaw bone. Move the skin over the bones. This will stimulate circulation and make your skin look more alive.
  16. Think young - this is a big one - think young - stay young.
  17. Smile more - look in the mirror and notice what happens to your face when you smile. Now need I say more.
  18. See your dentist regularly - keep your teeth white and good.
  19. Be kind to others - this will help you to cultivate your inner beauty and it will show in your eyes.
  20. Last but not least love love love - this will make you feel and look beautiful. It's like medicine for the body and mind. Give and be open to receive lots of it, it's guaranteed you will feel and look amazing.


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